Empowerment is the process of having the know how to survive with little or no assistance from a third party. The individual will get to know what is right and wrong. In a society, with little respect for humanity, the knowledge gained will go a long way. The society that we live in has been transformed in a way, that those who are strivers in an economic sense are considered and appreciated. These individuals use their wealth muscle to frustrate the poor. Regardless of how they got their wealth. The vulnerable in such a society often find their rights being trampled upon with no way of getting compensation. These injustices were and still prevalent in third world countries, where the haves are always looking down on the have-nots. But to many surprises, the most developed countries have experienced the same fate. Advanced countries in years gone by, had persons who stood their ground against injustices and their limelight exposed the rot in their society.
Their empowerment was not through classes but self-actualization. These individuals were motivated, to realize that the quest in life is most often confined to creativity and pursuant to knowledge. In order to later impart what they have nurtured as self-righteousness to the society. These special individuals out of experience were able to pick out cases of injustices and out of courage demanded re-evaluation of how those who governed them, enacted laws that were for all. Initially, injustices were perpetrated by those who were protected by laws enacted by their cronies to favor them. But over time these individuals who got empowered managed to free the rest of the society out of the heinous acts. Laws were reviewed and affirmative action laws passed. These exercise of self-actualization has been used to bring drastic changes to the society through empowerment courses. Read more about the compassion project.
The concept of empowerment was thus picked up by educationist and used in social work. The social workers approached the government through non-governmental organizations. They advocated the governments to provide necessary infrastructure so that empowerment could be trained in the whole sum to the society. Citizenship education bore to the democratic path and as a tool, for the current and future laws for all. Democracy to prevail, the same empowerment knowledge was used to elect individuals who valued equity in the society, regardless of status. These elected representatives were able to be more tolerant and understanding, to the needs of its citizens, thanks to the empowerment course. To get additional info, visit - theavatarcourse.com
You can read also this related article - https://www.huffingtonpost.com/vanessa-zuabi/empowering-the-next-gener_2_b_7595488.html